Sam Njoroge

Sam Njoroge (carsor007)

Linux engineer/Software Developer

Dallas, TX, Planet Earth (32.7833333,-96.8 - UTC-05)

Hello world! I'm Sam Njoroge, 29 years old Software Engineer, Pythonista, Internet Freedom and Linux advocate, Inventor, World citizen.

I have worked on many projects including hacking several different systems and technologies. I support Linux and Open Source and I believe they have changed the world in many ways and will continue to do so. Technology has empowered the world and has given our society more freedom to collaborate towards a brighter more connected future. I look forward to being a part of this future. All thoughts on this site are my own and don't represent any employer or company. Technologies I've used:

  • - HTML
  • - Javascript (AngularJS /NodeJS /React /Gulp /Bower)
  • - Python/Golang/Bash/Flutter(Dart)
  • - HP servers /Dell servers /Oracle /Sun servers /NetApp filers /HDS Hnas /EMC Storage
  • - PostGIS /GoogleMaps /OpenStreetMaps
  • - PostgreSQL /MongoDB /MySQL
  • - ElasticSearch(elk stack) /RabbitMQ /Redis /Solr /Splunk
  • - Ansible /Jenkins /Travis-CI /Gradle /Maven
  • - Grafana/LogStash
  • - Google Cloud /AWS
  • - Shell scripting
  • - Linux /FreeBSD /Solaris
  • - Intel /ARM /Arduino /Raspberry-PI
  • - Creator – --- Dumpster rental marketplace

    Software Development Methodologies I use.
  • Agile and Scrum
  • * Unit Testing and TDD
I plan, design and build software, primarily on Linux. I use whatever technology stack that makes sense to build the product and make it better. Open Source and Linux advocate. Inventor by nature , always trying to hack and create new inventions.

My professional résumé.

I'm currently located in Dallas, Texas.

linkedin    github   
