Sam Njoroge

Sam Njoroge (carsor007)

Linux engineer/Software Developer

Dallas, TX, Planet Earth (32.7833333,-96.8 - UTC-05)

MongoDB Nested docs within arrays

MongoDB lets you store in query form nested documents within arrays, check below example for nested document for ratings and an array field for screenplay authors

var doc = {
   title: 'Jaws',
   year: 1975,
   director: 'Steven Spielberg',
   rating: 'PG',
   ratings: {
      critics: 80,
      audience: 97
    screenplay: ['Peter Benchley', 'Carl Gotlieb']

db.collection('movies').insert(doc, function(error, result) {
if (error) {

  find({ screenplay: 'Peter Benchley' }).
  toArray(function(error, docs) {
  /*note the (.) in the ratings.audience, this is what is used to search through a nested document in the database */
      find({ 'ratings.audience': {'$gte': 90 }}).
      toArray(function(error, docs) {
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