Sam Njoroge

Sam Njoroge (carsor007)

Linux engineer/Software Developer

Dallas, TX, Planet Earth (32.7833333,-96.8 - UTC-05)


Need MicroSD to boot raspberry-pi

So the raspberry-Pi doesn't come with an OS and you will need to install one yourself. I always wondered how the OS installation was done.Sometimes you can bypass this small detail when reading about it online.  As Aristotle once said, "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them". By doing something you will in deed learn much more than by just reading about it.  Basically the Operating System installation is performed by downloading an OS of your choice, flash it to a microSD and boot your raspberry Pi.
So in that regard, I just purchased a microSD to be used for this purpose. However, I havent yet decided which OS to use since I'm still contemplating on what to build with the pi. I have a few ideas.   I'll provide updates on this interesting project.

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